
Shopping Tips

Who does not want to get the best deal for their dollar — especially during these tough economic times? There is no shortage of sale ads from merchants who want your business: they are using preferred customer specials, early bird sales, midnight madness events, coupon savings days, and pre- AND post-holiday sales. Just how do you decide if their deals are real? EmeritusLiving is here to provide you smart shopping suggestions, which will immediately make you the smartest shopper on your block.

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Gift Card Tips

Shopping for gifts can be a real dilemma. Gift cards may be the answer: one size fits all, and the recipients can get exactly what they want from a retailer or restaurant.

Different Types of Gift Cards

  • Hospital stays
    • Retail Gift Cards are sold by retailers and restaurants, and can be used only with those merchants.
    • Bank Gift Cards carry the logo of a payment card network like American Express,

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Online Shopping Tips

Follow these tips for hassle-free online shopping: get the details, pay by credit card, keep records, and protect your personal and financial information.

Get the Details

  • Know Who You Are Dealing With - Anyone can set up shop online under almost any name. Confirm the online seller's physical address and phone number in case you have questions or problems.

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Amazon AutoRip Now Available in Vinyl

Amazon announced it has extended its popular AutoRip service to vinyl records. AutoRip was introduced in January of this year to give customers free digital copies of CDs they purchase. Starting today, when customers purchase an AutoRip vinyl record, a digital copy of that music will be automatically added to their Cloud Player libraries where it will be available, free of charge, for immediate playback or download.

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